Casino Hotels in Canada

As one of the leading providers of digital marketing solutions for the hospitality industry, we are dedicated to helping Canadian casino hotels thrive in the competitive market. Our team of experts understands the diverse landscape of the Canadian hospitality industry and can create customized strategies to enhance your online visibility and attract more guests. From Vancouver to Toronto, our portfolio showcases successful campaigns that have delivered exceptional results. Discover how TEMAF Group can elevate your casino hotel's digital presence and drive revenue growth.

Fairmont Le Manoir Richelieu

Leveraging the historic charm of Fairmont Le Manoir Richelieu, we implemented a series of personalized marketing campaigns that resonated with our target audience. This approach not only elevated the guest experience but also led to a 60% increase in year-over-year bookings, reinforcing the hotel's prestigious status in the market.

River Rock Casino Resort

At River Rock Casino Resort, we focused on enhancing the digital guest journey, from discovery to departure. By optimizing the online booking system and introducing a dynamic pricing model, we saw a 45% rise in online reservations and a significant improvement in guest satisfaction scores.

Grey Eagle Resort & Casino

For Grey Eagle Resort & Casino, our strategy was to enrich the entertainment experience, making it the centerpiece of our marketing efforts. This strategy, coupled with targeted social media campaigns, resulted in a 50% increase in event bookings and a marked boost in overall hotel occupancy rates.