Privacy Policy

Who to Contact?

TEMAF Group only contacts individuals who explicitly request it or have signed up for our services.

What Information Do We Collect?

Personally Identifiable Information (PII):

All information is strictly protected and used solely for delivering the content the user has signed up for. It is never used for other purposes and is never shared with third parties.

Anonymous Usage History (non-PII):

We do not collect or track anonymous usage history.

Newsletter Subscriptions:

To unsubscribe, email: [email protected] with "REMOVE" in the subject line and your name.

Unsubscribe link at the bottom of emails.

Frequency of Emails:

Expect one time email from TEMAF Group, offering valuable insights and updates.

Use of Personal Information:

We use your information solely to send emails or for the purpose specified during consultations. We do not sell or distribute it to third parties.

Newsletter Sender:

All emails are sent from domain extension.


Email: [email protected]

Cookies/Clear GIFs:

We do not use cookies or clear GIFs on our site.

Email Information Storage:

Stored on our secure server, accessible only to those managing the mailing list.


This policy may change at TEMAF Group's discretion. Updates will be posted on Last revised on January 17, 2024.

Questions or Concerns?

Email: [email protected] or mail to:

Tower 2 Darling Park
Level 20, tower 2/201 Sussex St,
Sydney NSW 2000, Australia